Compliance and Enforcement

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Incident Disclosure 2025

Dropped Object on the Hebron Platform

9 January 2025

ExxonMobil Canada Properties (EMCP) has reported that on January 5, 2025, after experiencing high winds during winter storm Charlie, a piece of flashing weighing 2.5kg was found to have fallen approximately 18m from a stair tower to a walkway.

In accordance with protocols, pre-adverse weather checks were completed on January 4, 2025 prior to the storm and no abnormalities were noted.

No personnel were present in the area, and there were no injuries. Due to the weight of the object and the distance travelled, the incident had the potential for fatality based on the Dropped Objects Prevention Scheme calculator.

Post-storm adverse weather checks are complete. EMCP has initiated an investigation into the root cause of the incident which the C-NLOPB is monitoring.

Media Contacts:

Shelley Sullivan
Public and Government Affairs
(709) 765-0954

Lesley Rideout
Director, Communications and Public Engagement
(709) 725-2900


Incident Disclosures 2025

2025-01-09Dropped Object on the Hebron Platform