
News Releases 2023

C-NLOPB Announces Approval of the Development Plan Amendment for the Hebron Field and Update of Volume Estimate

For Immediate Release
15 December 2023

Development Plan Amendment Approval

The Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB) has approved the Development Plan Amendment (DPA) for the Hebron Field, including an addendum submitted by ExxonMobil Canada Properties (ExxonMobil). The Board’s Fundamental Decision has been ratified by the federal and Newfoundland and Labrador governments, which enables ExxonMobil and its partners to develop sands within the Jeanne d’Arc Formation that were not covered in the original Hebron Development Plan, subject to the conditions set out in Decision Report 2023.01.

In its approval, the Board considered advice provided in the C-NLOPB Development Plan Staff Analysis and comments received during the public consultation period. Highlights of the staff analysis include the following:

Safety and Operations Considerations

  • This new development will use existing Hebron workforce and facilities and is within the current drilling and production capacity limits of the Hebron

Environmental Considerations

  • The application was reviewed in the context of the previously completed Canadian Environmental Assessment Act Comprehensive Study of the Hebron Project in 2011 and an Environmental Assessment Amendment in 2017.
    • The additional development activities do not require changes to the installation, equipment deployment in the field, operations, shipping activities or the extent of safety zones and no new excavated drill centres or drilling installations will be required.
    • The impacts of the physical presence in the environment associated with the amendment fall within those assessed in the above-noted Comprehensive Study.
    • Since the start of production in 2017, ExxonMobil has implemented new technology and several operational changes to identify, mitigate and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at the Hebron Field.
    • GHG emissions are expected to remain below the emissions estimated in the Comprehensive Study Report and approved in the original Development Plan.

Industrial Benefits Considerations

The scope of activities detailed within the application will be completed through existing Hebron Project staff and contracts, therefore a Hebron Benefits Plan Amendment was not required. All activities will be managed in accordance with the approved Hebron Benefits Plan.

Volume Estimate for the Hebron Field 

During review of the application, C-NLOPB staff completed a reassessment of the most likely recoverable oil (Estimated Ultimate Recovery [EUR]) and contingent gas estimates for the Jeanne d’Arc Formation. The Proven and Probable (2P) EUR for the Jeanne d’Arc Formation compared to results completed in 2012 is as follows:

Jeanne d’Arc Formation
YearProven and Probable (2P) EUR
2012132 million barrels
2023165 million barrels

C-NLOPB staff also reassessed the EUR and contingent gas estimates for Pool 1 and the Hibernia Formation for the Hebron Field, following significant learnings from drilling in the Hibernia Formation and production from Pool 1.

The Proven and Probable (2P) EUR for Pool 1 and Hibernia Formation, compared to results completed in 2012 are as follows:

Pool 1Hibernia Formation
YearProven and Probable (2P) EUR YearProven and Probable (2P) EUR
2012560 million barrels201215 million barrels
2023596 million barrels202358.9 million barrels

The Petroleum Resource Management System adopted by the C-NLOPB defines EUR as the quantities of petroleum estimated to be recoverable as of a given date, plus the quantities that have already been produced.

Further information on estimated recoverable reserves and resources, including estimates of contingent gas and NGL resources, can be found here.

Media Contact

Lesley Rideout
Director, Communications and Public Engagement
(709) 725-2900


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