
News Releases 2023

C-NLOPB Issues Statement in Response to Recent FFAW News Release

For Immediate Release
21 July 2023

The C-NLOPB has issued the following statement in response to a News Release issued by the Fish, Food & Allied Workers (FFAW) today, regarding the EL 1167 drilling program:

The C-NLOPB appreciates the importance of the fishery sector and is committed to continuing to work with both the fishing and petroleum industries to identify and reduce risks through rigorous environmental assessment processes and ongoing dialogue.

Operators are required to comply with all conditions of approved Environmental Assessments and Operations Authorizations, including those related to consultation.

As the regulator providing oversight of all approved petroleum-related activities in the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Area and based on the information currently available to us, the C-NLOPB can confirm that ExxonMobil, the Operator of the EL 1167 drilling program, has been in compliance with its conditions of authorization to date.

ExxonMobil has been engaged with the FFAW directly and through One Ocean meetings over a number of months. A Fisheries Communications Plan was prepared and provided to the FFAW, which requires ongoing operational updates to be provided as the drilling program progresses. It can be found at

Additionally, an Environmental Assessment Update was provided to the FFAW and posted to the C-NLOPB’s website on July 7, 2023.

It is in the best interest of Newfoundland and Labrador and the rest of Canada for the fishing and petroleum industries to continue to cooperate and communicate proactively and with full transparency, through well-established planning processes and during operations. For its part, the C-NLOPB will continue to work in the public interest with the FFAW and other fisheries and petroleum stakeholders, directly and through One Ocean.

C-NLOPB response to July 21, 2023 correspondence from FFAW regarding concerns about exploratory drilling on Exploration Licence 1167.

Media Contact:
Lesley Rideout
Director, Communications and Public Engagement
(709) 725-2900

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