C-NLOPB Announces Scheduled Land Tenure System Update – Cumulative Parcels
Eastern Newfoundland Region
The Canada‐Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (C‐NLOPB) is amending its Scheduled Land Tenure System in relation to the timing of cumulative parcels being available for offer in future Calls for Bids in the Eastern Newfoundland Region. Cumulative parcels are any unawarded parcels that were offered in previous Calls for Bids as well as those resulting from Exploration Licences that subsequently reverted back to Crown reserve areas.
Starting this year, the C-NLOPB may issue a Call for Bids for cumulative parcels in the Eastern Newfoundland Region annually, subject to ministerial approval as per the Atlantic Accord Implementation Acts, in addition to any scheduled Call for Bids.
The current, two-year cycle for new lands offered in the Eastern Newfoundland Region in potential future Calls for Bids will remain unchanged, with the next cycle for new lands scheduled to commence in 2024.
Further information on the C-NLOPB’s Scheduled Land Tenure System can be found here.
Any parties interested in receiving email notifications on Scheduled Land Tenure related announcements can contact Shannon Bulger at sbulger@cnlopb.ca.
Media Contact
Lesley Rideout
Director, Communications and Public Engagement
(709) 725-2900
Stakeholder Contact
Stephanie Johnson, P.Geo
Director, Offshore and Information Resources
(709) 778-4246